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Avalon Building Systems Blog

Modular Home Construction is Faster in the Winter - Massachusetts

6 December 2013

Modular homes are constructed indoors in a factory environment which means no delays or materials damage as a result of weather. Additionally, because the construction process is essentially, weather-proof, you home is safe from the elements while it is still in the ‘under-construction’ phase. This means, no weather induced damage to your home before it is complete.

Once the modules that make up your new home arrive at the building site, they are set on the foundation in one day and your home is about 80% complete. Final assembly, including attaching the modules and siding the home, can be completed in about 3 days.  Most of the work has already been completed; the home just needs to be secured.

Being able to work fast, indoors, as opposed to building the home from the ground up, during tough winter weather means that that your new modular home will become weather tight and in move-in condition in just a very short time frame, in fact, in some cases, your custom modular home could be ready in a month.

Winter time is the off season for home construction; this means there could be an even faster construction time. Modular homes often allow you to buy a larger home with more amenities. Because of the modular construction process, you can now be living in that home in less time.  Depending on the design and style of your home, a modular home can sometimes cost  an average of 30% less than a stick built homes.

Modular construction allows you to build a new home even in the winter when all other new home construction has stopped. With the slow construction season approaching in Massachusetts, now might be the perfect time to build a new home.

For more information on building a modular home, contact Avalon Building Systems.

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New Home Construction can be Stress Free During the Holidays

29 November 2013

It is official, the holidays season is here. You are certainly out holiday gift shopping, but are you also new home shopping? If so, consider modular construction. Unlike the holiday season, modular home construction can be stress-free. That’s right, it is possible to build a new home without all the stress that is usually involved in new home construction.

Why is it so much less-stressful to build a new modular home? Because modular home construction takes less time, can certainly cost less, and is 80-90% complete when it is delivered. Built in a factory setting, modular homes are not subject to traditional weather and labor delays of traditionally built homes nor are building materials subject to weather damage like on-site home construction. This means there will be no cost overruns. Essentially, when you get your ‘price’ for your modular home, there will be no changes, no hidden fees.

At this time of year, regardless of what is going on in life, we should all be focused on blessings and our family!  The business of Avalon Building Systems is building custom modular homes. It is what we do. So let us help you relax this holiday season by answering all of your modular home questions, showing you our floor plans, helping you to see the advantages and benefits of modular construction.

During the holidays, new home shopping does not take a back seat just because it is an inconvenient time.  At Avalon Building Systems we never stop, if you have questions, we are here to help.

We hope the holiday season finds you comfortable and surrounded by family.  To everyone in the New England area, we would like to offer you our most sincere best wishes and thanks.  We work hard to earn your continued trust and we brings you the new home of your dreams.

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Modular Homes for Downsizing Empty Nesters - Massachusetts

22 November 2013

Did you know that in Massachusetts our population is aging at three times the national average? That means there are plenty of empty-nesters that are looking to downsize. If you are a baby boomer who is looking to move out of the large home and relocate into a home that is more manageable, don’t settle for the overpriced homes that are on the market right now. Build a new modular home.

Many considerations go into the decision to downsize your home. The most common reason for downsizing is because the children have moved out on their own. You may want to stay close your community, or maybe you want to relocate to the Cape. Regardless, building a modular home is a great choice for baby boomers. There are hundreds of styles of modular home floor plans for you to choose from.  Additionally, you can have your own plans drawn up and have a modular home built, faster and more efficiently.

Building a modular home is cost effective and efficient and downsizing your home can save you tax dollars. You will certainly pay less for  the new home you will get with modular construction than a similar existing home. And no repairs, no remodeling, and no settling for what’s on the market.

A ranch style modular home offers you style and comfort in a smaller size home. If it is the waterfront that draws you, the vacation style modular home provide an open floor plan that is conducive to relaxing.  And there are vacation floor plans to meet all of your needs.

Feel free to contact Avalon Building Systems about any of our modular homes.

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Already Live in the Best Location? Build a Modular Home – Sharon, Weston, Norwell

15 November 2013

Everyone knows that the biggest consideration in buying a home is location, location, location. Do you have the perfect town in mind? Perhaps a town like Weston, Sharon, or Norwell? The town with the best schools, and the greatest open spaces? It would be great if you could find a home to buy that does not entail massive renovations or needed expansion. Maybe you already live in that perfect location, and you don’t want to uproot your family but you need more room, a home office, a master bath. How about building a new home?

Building a new home can sound like a daunting task, but it does not have to be when you choose modular construction. In fact, modular construction can cost far less than moving and renovating. It is certainly less expensive than building a new home through traditional construction, in time if not in dollars.

Every honest real estate agent will tell you that location is the most important factor in considering where to buy – or build. If you already live in that location, or have the perfect location in mind, then modular construction is the right choice.

Not only can you have a completely custom modular home, a modular home is more efficient, is built faster and will not go over budget. When you buy a new home, closing costs and other fees can add up into the tens of thousands of dollars. Additionally, there is the added stress of trying to sell your home, for the price you want, in this market.

Building a new modular home where you existing home sits is a perfect solution. You already own the land, you already have a great location, you already know the neighbors, your kids are already enrolled in the schools.

After the design process is complete, a new modular home can be built in 2 months and modular construction is fully customizable. Most important, there are no hidden fees, no labor or materials delays. You will know the schedule and the budget as soon as you begin the project.

If you live in a town like Weston, Sharon or Norwell and you want to build a modular home in order to take advantage of your perfect location. Contact Avalon Building Systems.

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Modular Homes can be Built in the Winter - Massachusetts

8 November 2013

Too many homeowners who want to build a new home think they can’t start their home construction project in the winter. But this is not the case. Some think the ground is too cold or the foundation cannot  be poured during cold Massachusetts weather.  Not true. Modular homes are built indoors away from inclement weather so there are no weather delays when you build modular. Additionally, with modular construction the materials used to build your home are not left out in the rain and snow, giving you a higher quality home in the end.

There are additives for concrete that are specifically designed for cold weather use. Avalon Building Systems can pour foundations and basement floors for your modular home all winter long.  We will also use ‘curing blankets’ which are spread over the concrete foundation which gives the concrete an extra level of protection from the cold while it sets.

Modular homes only takes a couple weeks to build in our factory. We will prepare your building site by protecting it from the frost while the modules are being constructed. If you are planning on- or interested in- building a new modular home this winter, before we begin we will protect the ground from a hard freeze easily and inexpensively. This is done by spreading wood chips, hay, straw, or any other mulch product on the ground to insulate it from the cold.

If you are interested in a new modular home right now, don’t wait. Avalon Building Systems can start you construction project today. Don’t wait for the spring thaw to start your new home, contact us.

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Build a Hurricane Safe Home with Modular Construction– Massachusetts, New York

1 November 2013

We live in the Northeast and we are not accustomed to worrying about hurricanes. We usually hear of hurricane and tornado damage in the South and Central parts of the country. But Hurricane Sandy and the tornado that ripped through Springfield, MA taught us otherwise. If you are interested in building a new home, building a home that can weather natural disasters is now top-of-mind.

Hurricane Sandy cost New Yorkers nearly $33 billion in damage and that damage happened in many communities. Still, one year and a couple months later, homeowners are still trying to rebuild. In Breezy Point all of the 2,387 homes suffered some sort of damage, including 350 homes that were demolished and must be rebuilt from scratch.

Traditional contractors and modular home companies are busy in Breezy Point Co-op, which consists of a roughly 500-acre area. In fact, one modular home company is getting ready to begin 40 additional homes in the area.

Modular homes are constructed in sections in a company warehouse and trucked to the location and assembled. This can speed up construction time because building goes forward regardless of weather or other conditions.  Additionally, using modular homes manufacturing companies speeds up the process, no more delays in starting construction because of labor shortages, materials shortages, or other delays. Also there are savings because the company buys materials, like sheetrock and windows, in bulk and customers can choose from a set selection of options and floor plans. Modular homes can be custom designed as well, or you can pick a modular floor plan and have it modified to fit your needs.

Modular homes can be built on stilts on waterfront properties or on traditional foundations. At Avalon Building Systems, our modular homes are rated for hurricane force winds up to 120 miles per hour. In fact, modular homes are subject to strict quality assurance inspections throughout the entire construction process making them stand up better than traditional construction to both time and weather. Worth mentioning, during Hurricane Sandy no homes built with modular construction methods were demolished.

For more information on modular construction in New York, Massachusetts or anywhere on the East Coast, contact Avalon Building Systems.

Excerpts - LoHUd

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Green Modular Home Construction - Massachusetts

25 October 2013

Today everyone is concerned with their carbon footprint and going green. Home construction is no different. Home remodeling and new home construction are going green as well. Modular construction is considered green construction. If you are interested in building a new home with green construction methods, read on.

Modular construction includes green initiatives from the structural insulated panels, to the windows, to the home appliances, and the energy efficiency of the finished home. Modular homes use less energy and create less waste during construction. But they are also built to use less energy once built.

Structural insulated panes are used for the walls, ceilings and floors. This allows less heat in your home in the summer and less heat out of your home in the winter. This means that you use your Energy Star HVAC system less, cutting heating and cooling costs.

By creating less waste through the modular construction process, the construction process itself is more environmentally friendly. Weather and labor can result in materials waste, these are not factors in modular construction.

At Avalon Building Systems, our modular homes are built to meet “Energy Star Standards” and HERS requirements. There are many aspects of “building green”, and we can help you design in such a way that you can maximize your LEED points throughout the site design, building design, and construction decisions.

Green modular homes are typically more affordable for home buyers. For more information, contact Avalon Building Systems.

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Modular Homes Rebuilding New Jersey

18 October 2013

Avalon Building Systems is proud to work with Excel Modular Homes on the reconstruction if The Jersey Shore which was one of the nation’s hardest hit regions during Hurricane Sandy. Modular construction has helped many families move back into new homes several months ahead of schedule. Modular home builder Excel Homes is one of the companies leading the rebuilding effort.

Hurricane Sandy destroyed 346,000 homes in the state. For homeowners who are rebuilding or buying their first house, modular homes are among the most popular “hurricane-proof” home options.

Modular construction, which uses modules built in a factory and assembled on site, is praised for its superior strength and durability and its quick build time – homes can be built in half the time compared with standard construction methods. The secret to modular homes’ strength lies in the manufacturing process. To help the modules withstand the demands of the transportation process, modular homes are built with an average of 20% more materials than are regular homes, and often at less cost.


Hundreds of modular homes were built on the Jersey Shore before (Hurricane) Sandy, and not a single one was lost. Many of the modules for the single-family homes are built by Excel Homes, the nation’s largest custom home manufacturer.


Modular homes builders are guiding would-be homeowners through the sometimes complicated process of completing applications, securing permits and filing insurance claims. A process that might take six months can now be completed in just three months.

“Building a home is hard enough, but when you add insurance claims and the hassles of an overloaded permit process, it gets even harder,” said Excel Homes Sales Manager. “Thankfully, they handle everything, from the demolition of the old home to the completion of the new one. The homeowners choose a design, select the custom features they’d like, and two or three months later, they move in.”

Excel Homes is the largest custom modular home manufacturer in the United States and has built more than 30,000 modular homes. If you are interested in a new, hurricane-safe modular home, contact Avalon Building Systems. We work with Excel homes to build you gorgeous safe homes you can be confident and comfortable in.

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Modular Buildings for Commercial Use – Sharon, Avon, Quincy

11 October 2013

Modular commercial buildings are a much broader industry in the US than in years past.  In the U.S. alone, there are an estimated 600,000-plus modular commercial buildings used for everything from daycare centers, apartments, and healthcare centers.

Commercial modular buildings can accommodate all kinds of businesses who are interested in expanding, relocating or owning their own building.  Commercial modular buildings are non-residential and factory-built, and are used for permanent modular construction.

Modular buildings generally serve a few key industries: education, banks, general office space, healthcare and modular apartment buildings. However, modular office space can fulfill other industries’ needs as well. Modular construction can be used for government facilities, daycares, high-tech fields, disaster relief, in-plant structures and more.

Modular commercial buildings are both durable and flexible, and can be transported easily to react to changing needs, even in remote locations. Commercial modular construction can be custom designed and built to suit the needs of any business.

In recent years, the most significant trends for modular commercial construction have been shifts toward office space and modular-complex units.

The flexibility of commercial modular construction has been especially helpful in be able to offer price-effective flexibility.  However, it is also becoming popular for larger-sized projects. <<>

In cities far and wide, these modular commercial buildings are looking more and more attractive. A 49-unit apartment building (expected to take seven months to erect) will become downtown Seattle’s first modular construction project. New York City currently has more than 17 modular projects in development.

Modular building has become an increasingly attractive over recent years. As the economy continues to improve and commercial construction continues to rebound, consider modular commercial construction, contact Avalon Building Systems.

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Understanding Construction Loans for Modular Homes - MA

4 October 2013

Today more and more people are considering building new homes rather than buying homes that need to be renovated. Modular home construction also uses new construction home loans. But, because modular construction is faster, the length of the loan is shorter.  Because the loan process is the same, we often, we get questions about new construction loans.

A new construction home loan is not the same as a traditional home loan. New construction loans have different requirements, need different information and have different rules. But just because the steps are different does not mean you should avoid them.

Once you find that these loans are not that confusing, you will find it easier to own your dream home by building.

A new construction home loan requires the mortgage provider or bank to give you money to build your home. Your mortgage provider needs a detailed accounting on the estimated costs to build your project, including how much you are going to spend.

A new construction loan for both modular homes and traditionally built homes is a short-term loan used to finance the building of a home. The money is advanced to you to cover construction costs as work progresses. So you get the money in installments. As money is paid out to you ,  you pay interest monthly only on the funds that have been disbursed.

This loan type is very popular with families and individuals. When the construction phase of a new home is complete, this loan is paid off with permanent financing.

The downside to construction loans is that is fairly impossible to lock-in a permanent mortgage rate, because you won't be closing the loan until your home is built. The benefit of financing for a modular home is that a modular home only takes two months to build, so you can lock your rate in sooner.

Sometimes lenders are like to interview or see licensing of the contractor you choose. Most modular homes manufacturers have relationships with banks if you need. For more information on modular homes or the construction process, contact Avalon Building Systems.

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