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Avalon Building Systems Blog

We Build Dream Vacation Homes

1 June 2010

One of our most professionally rewarding acts is to build dream vacation homes for our clients.  Land across the Northeast is being offered at value pricing we haven't seen in decades.  With more land available in more places and all at valued cost, people are taking full advantage of the situation and building their vacation homes.  

With vacation home plans as small as 800 square feet, we can quickly deliver an affordable vacation getaway.  Let's discuss how to turn your dream into reality. View our "Vacation Style" floor plans and give us a call today!  

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Yes....Yes We Build Custom Homes

22 May 2010

Here is our second most frequently asked question:  "Can you build our customized dream home"?  The most frequently asked question...."Why Modular"? The latter is easily answered and then the conversation quickly turns to the former.  

It is a common perception that modular home buyers are restricted to choosing from a menu with few options.  Nothing can be farther from the truth.  In fact our staff includes professional designers with many years of experience in both residential and commercial design.  If you have an architectural plan in any stage of development, we can execute it.  

Your dream home's look and feel framed by the unmatched strength and quality of modular design.  Who says you can't have your cake and eat it too?

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Avalon Modular Home Roofs vs Stick-Built Roofs

17 May 2010

Roofing material and roof guarantees are critical to quality home construction, however, they are often overlooked by the consumer.  Many building contractors cut their costs by using cheap roofing products that offer little in terms of guarantee and longevity of product.  We are proud to  offer roofs constructed with 30-year guaranteed architectural self-sealing fiberglass shingles.

It is very important to discuss the subject of roofing options with your builder.  We welcome detailed discussions about our choice of building material specifications because across the board they meet or exceed stick-builder's quality standards.       

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Small Business Owners Turn Increasingly to Modular Construction

10 May 2010

One of the fastest growing markets for modular home construction is small to mid-size companies.  Business owners are turning to modular construction for all the same reasons that families do.  But for business owners who all understand that “time is money”, the rapid delivery of finished modular construction translates directly to a more efficient path to revenue generation.  The lengthy construction process (and typical delays) of traditional stick-built construction directly translates  to “opportunity lost” for the business owner.

Avalon Building Systems offers Commercial General Office Buildings  are perfectly suited for company headquarters, production facilities, and/or both. 

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Financing and Insuring for Modular Homes vs Stick Built Homes

6 May 2010

Financing and Insuring for Modular Homes vs Stick Built Homes

We want you to know that we’ve inquired of multiple banks and insurance companies about the differences in financing and insuring modular home construction.  Their response is universally consistent…..There is no difference in terms of both availability and cost.

Financiers and insurers are well aware that modular home construction strength and building standards exceed that of traditional “stick built” homes.  In fact, some insurers predict that the cost of insuring modular construction will become more affordable in time as actuaries continue to compile statistical evidence of the modular home’s structural superiority.  This is yet another reason the new home construction pendulum continues to swing in favor of modular home construction.

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Modular Homes Floor Plans have many options

28 April 2010

Modular Homes Floor Plans have many options

Depending on the style of home (ranch, cape, colonial, etc.) you are looking for there are many options available to choose from regarding Avalon Building Systems' floor plans.  Options can be broken down into the following broad categories:
  • Ceiling Structures
  • Bath & Plumbing
  • Appliances
  • Doors
  • Electrical
  • Flooring
  • Heating & Cooling
  • Insulation
  • Interior Trim
  • Kitchen
  • Roofing
  • siding
  • Stairs
  • Walls
  • Windows
For example, options under kitchen category could include cabinets, trim, hardware, countertops, faucets, sinks and more.  So even though there are standard floor plans for each home style there is a lot of room for customization thereby allowing you to build your dream home. Contact us today to discuss personalizing one of our standard floor plans.

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