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Five Reasons You'll Love a Smaller New England Home

Avalon Building Homes - Smaller Homes

Welcome back to our Avalon Building System’s modular home blog. We've all heard of the saying "Bigger is Better," but is that really true? Over the past 40 years, the general trend with buying and building homes has been more Room, more Space, more land, etc. Recently, however, we’ve seen a trend starting that follows the "less is more" attitude. Smaller homes are becoming increasingly more desirable. Why is this? Why would you opt to live in a 1,000-1,500sf home instead of a house twice that size? There are actually a lot of great reasons that a smaller home will make you happier.

Here are five reasons you'll love living in a smaller home:

It's Less Expensive.

Let's get the obvious one out of the way: cost. A smaller home is generally going to cost less than a house twice its size. There are less materials involved in construction, less labor to actually build it, and a smaller footprint means you need a smaller plot of land on which to set your home. But the savings go past the initial purchase or construction of your home; it will also cost much less to maintain. Less space means less room to heat in the winter and cool in the summer, which equates to lower utility bills. It also means less things that will break down and need repaired over time. So when you end up needing a new roof in 25 years, you'll only have to pay half the price as your neighbor with the big house. You'll need to buy less furniture to make your home comfortable, because there's only room for so much. This means you can spend your money on the things that will make you happy, rather than spending it all maintaining your home.

You Can Spend Where It Counts.

"Small" doesn't necessarily mean "cheap." You can have a well-built, high-quality home under 1,500sf that boasts many luxurious amenities. Less base costs means you can splurge for the things that really count. Want a hi-end kitchen? You may be able to afford one now that you don't have to pay for that 5th bedroom. Want a big garage for your toys? There may be room for it on your property now! The idea is to "cut the fluff" and use your budget for what really matters to you.

It's Easier to Maintain.

Speaking of maintaining your home, a smaller home is simply easier to keep up. There's less floor to vacuum, less furniture to dust, and less space to collect clutter and junk. Smaller homes are ideal for singles, couples, or even small families who lead busy lives because a smaller home allows you to focus on what really matters to you.

More Time.

Think of how much time you spend cleaning and straightening up your home; if you could cut that time in half, what could you do with all your newfound free time? This is one of the biggest appeals to choosing smaller homes. If you minimize the time you need to spend doing things you don't want to do, you can spend more time pursuing hobbies, developing your career, or spending quality time with family and friends.

Bigger Resale Market.

Most people will live in multiple homes throughout their lives, so when you buy or build a house you should consider how difficult it will be to sell that house later on, should you choose to make a change. Take a look at your local real estate listings. Do you see many houses that would be out of your price range? Those bigger homes are hard to sell because they have a limited pool of potential buyers who can actually afford them. A smaller home, by contrast, is more affordable to more people. So if you put a lovely smaller home on the market, a bigger portion of active homebuyers will be able to consider it as a financially feasible option.

We love building homes of all sizes for our clients, no matter if they are large 2-story homes, spacious Cape Cods, or smaller ranch style homes.

If you would like to talk about options for living in a smaller, more manageable home, contact Avalon Building Homes.

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